Spring 2025 Schedule 


  • Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 10:00--3:30 (Matos) 

  • Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 10:00--3:30 (Catalan)

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025, 10:00--3:30 (Vyas)

PLEASE SEE WISLINE NORDE IN THE MATHEMATICS DIVISION (BLUE AREA, on the second floor of the Main Building of the Newark Campus in the Division of Mathematics, Engineering Technologies and Computer Sciences [METCS]) FOR THE ROOM LOCATION AND PLACEMENT FORM.

Please review the contents below!!!

[Video] Testing for MTH 086/092/100: Students who wish to re-take the math portion of the Accuplacer can reserve a seat and make their payment online here: https://www.registerblast.com/essex/Exam

[Video] Testing out of MTH 100 and above: Students who took the Accuplacer/Companion test and were given the placement, "See Mathematics Department," or have passed MTH 100 will be allowed to take an additional placement test(s) and will not be charged. Online testing, when offered, is proctored (audio and visual) via Zoom, and you will need to schedule an 80-minute Zoom session in advance. We also periodically offer in-person testing at Essex County College, usually before the start of each semester.

[Video] If you still need to do so, contact Ms. Wisline Edmond and request that your name be added to the list of students wishing to be tested. You may be contacted by an advisor once your name is added to the list.

[Video] Before taking a proctored placement exam, you must take a self-administered placement test. Your score on this self-administered test must be given to your proctor before starting the proctored placement test.
  • MTH 100 Self-Administered Placement Test and Self-Study Materials.
  • MTH 119 Self-Administered Placement Test and Self-Study Materials.
  • MTH 120 Self-Administered Placement Test and Self-Study Materials.
[Video] Here's a list of faculty members you may contact if you have questions:
[Video] By appointment Zoom office hours:
  • Ron Bannon's Zoom sessions need to be scheduled in advance.